
103 lines
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2023-08-30 16:31:07 +01:00
/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 */
* Copyright(c) 2016-20 Intel Corporation.
.macro ENCLU
.byte 0x0f, 0x01, 0xd7
.section ".tcs", "aw"
.balign 4096
.fill 1, 8, 0 # STATE (set by CPU)
.fill 1, 8, 0 # FLAGS
.quad encl_ssa_tcs1 # OSSA
.fill 1, 4, 0 # CSSA (set by CPU)
.fill 1, 4, 1 # NSSA
.quad encl_entry # OENTRY
.fill 1, 8, 0 # AEP (set by EENTER and ERESUME)
.fill 1, 8, 0 # OFSBASE
.fill 1, 8, 0 # OGSBASE
.fill 1, 4, 0xFFFFFFFF # FSLIMIT
.fill 1, 4, 0xFFFFFFFF # GSLIMIT
.fill 4024, 1, 0 # Reserved
# TCS2
.fill 1, 8, 0 # STATE (set by CPU)
.fill 1, 8, 0 # FLAGS
.quad encl_ssa_tcs2 # OSSA
.fill 1, 4, 0 # CSSA (set by CPU)
.fill 1, 4, 1 # NSSA
.quad encl_entry # OENTRY
.fill 1, 8, 0 # AEP (set by EENTER and ERESUME)
.fill 1, 8, 0 # OFSBASE
.fill 1, 8, 0 # OGSBASE
.fill 1, 4, 0xFFFFFFFF # FSLIMIT
.fill 1, 4, 0xFFFFFFFF # GSLIMIT
.fill 4024, 1, 0 # Reserved
# RBX contains the base address for TCS, which is the first address
# inside the enclave for TCS #1 and one page into the enclave for
# TCS #2. By adding the value of encl_stack to it, we get
# the absolute address for the stack.
lea (encl_stack)(%rbx), %rax
jmp encl_entry_core
# Entry point for dynamically created TCS page expected to follow
# its stack directly.
lea -1(%rbx), %rax
xchg %rsp, %rax
push %rax
push %rcx # push the address after EENTER
push %rbx # push the enclave base address
call encl_body
pop %rbx # pop the enclave base address
/* Clear volatile GPRs, except RAX (EEXIT function). */
xor %rcx, %rcx
xor %rdx, %rdx
xor %rdi, %rdi
xor %rsi, %rsi
xor %r8, %r8
xor %r9, %r9
xor %r10, %r10
xor %r11, %r11
# Reset status flags.
add %rdx, %rdx # OF = SF = AF = CF = 0; ZF = PF = 1
# Prepare EEXIT target by popping the address of the instruction after
pop %rbx
# Restore the caller stack.
pop %rax
mov %rax, %rsp
mov $4, %rax
.section ".data", "aw"
.space 4096
.space 4096
.balign 4096
# Stack of TCS #1
.space 4096
.balign 4096
# Stack of TCS #2
.space 4096