
422 lines
13 KiB

# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 OR BSD-3-Clause
import collections
import importlib
import os
import yaml
# To be loaded dynamically as needed
jsonschema = None
class SpecElement:
"""Netlink spec element.
Abstract element of the Netlink spec. Implements the dictionary interface
for access to the raw spec. Supports iterative resolution of dependencies
across elements and class inheritance levels. The elements of the spec
may refer to each other, and although loops should be very rare, having
to maintain correct ordering of instantiation is painful, so the resolve()
method should be used to perform parts of init which require access to
other parts of the spec.
yaml raw spec as loaded from the spec file
family back reference to the full family
name name of the entity as listed in the spec (optional)
ident_name name which can be safely used as identifier in code (optional)
def __init__(self, family, yaml):
self.yaml = yaml = family
if 'name' in self.yaml: = self.yaml['name']
self.ident_name ='-', '_')
self._super_resolved = False
def __getitem__(self, key):
return self.yaml[key]
def __contains__(self, key):
return key in self.yaml
def get(self, key, default=None):
return self.yaml.get(key, default)
def resolve_up(self, up):
if not self._super_resolved:
self._super_resolved = True
def resolve(self):
class SpecEnumEntry(SpecElement):
""" Entry within an enum declared in the Netlink spec.
doc documentation string
enum_set back reference to the enum
value numerical value of this enum (use accessors in most situations!)
raw_value raw value, i.e. the id in the enum, unlike user value which is a mask for flags
user_value user value, same as raw value for enums, for flags it's the mask
def __init__(self, enum_set, yaml, prev, value_start):
if isinstance(yaml, str):
yaml = {'name': yaml}
super().__init__(, yaml)
self.doc = yaml.get('doc', '')
self.enum_set = enum_set
if 'value' in yaml:
self.value = yaml['value']
elif prev:
self.value = prev.value + 1
self.value = value_start
def has_doc(self):
return bool(self.doc)
def raw_value(self):
return self.value
def user_value(self):
if self.enum_set['type'] == 'flags':
return 1 << self.value
return self.value
class SpecEnumSet(SpecElement):
""" Enum type
Represents an enumeration (list of numerical constants)
as declared in the "definitions" section of the spec.
type enum or flags
entries entries by name
entries_by_val entries by value
get_mask for flags compute the mask of all defined values
def __init__(self, family, yaml):
super().__init__(family, yaml)
self.type = yaml['type']
prev_entry = None
value_start = self.yaml.get('value-start', 0)
self.entries = dict()
self.entries_by_val = dict()
for entry in self.yaml['entries']:
e = self.new_entry(entry, prev_entry, value_start)
self.entries[] = e
self.entries_by_val[e.raw_value()] = e
prev_entry = e
def new_entry(self, entry, prev_entry, value_start):
return SpecEnumEntry(self, entry, prev_entry, value_start)
def has_doc(self):
if 'doc' in self.yaml:
return True
for entry in self.entries.values():
if entry.has_doc():
return True
return False
def get_mask(self):
mask = 0
for e in self.entries.values():
mask += e.user_value()
return mask
class SpecAttr(SpecElement):
""" Single Netlink atttribute type
Represents a single attribute type within an attr space.
value numerical ID when serialized
attr_set Attribute Set containing this attr
def __init__(self, family, attr_set, yaml, value):
super().__init__(family, yaml)
self.value = value
self.attr_set = attr_set
self.is_multi = yaml.get('multi-attr', False)
class SpecAttrSet(SpecElement):
""" Netlink Attribute Set class.
Represents a ID space of attributes within Netlink.
Note that unlike other elements, which expose contents of the raw spec
via the dictionary interface Attribute Set exposes attributes by name.
attrs ordered dict of all attributes (indexed by name)
attrs_by_val ordered dict of all attributes (indexed by value)
subset_of parent set if this is a subset, otherwise None
def __init__(self, family, yaml):
super().__init__(family, yaml)
self.subset_of = self.yaml.get('subset-of', None)
self.attrs = collections.OrderedDict()
self.attrs_by_val = collections.OrderedDict()
if self.subset_of is None:
val = 1
for elem in self.yaml['attributes']:
if 'value' in elem:
val = elem['value']
attr = self.new_attr(elem, val)
self.attrs[] = attr
self.attrs_by_val[attr.value] = attr
val += 1
real_set = family.attr_sets[self.subset_of]
for elem in self.yaml['attributes']:
attr = real_set[elem['name']]
self.attrs[] = attr
self.attrs_by_val[attr.value] = attr
def new_attr(self, elem, value):
return SpecAttr(, self, elem, value)
def __getitem__(self, key):
return self.attrs[key]
def __contains__(self, key):
return key in self.attrs
def __iter__(self):
yield from self.attrs
def items(self):
return self.attrs.items()
class SpecOperation(SpecElement):
"""Netlink Operation
Information about a single Netlink operation.
value numerical ID when serialized, None if req/rsp values differ
req_value numerical ID when serialized, user -> kernel
rsp_value numerical ID when serialized, user <- kernel
is_call bool, whether the operation is a call
is_async bool, whether the operation is a notification
is_resv bool, whether the operation does not exist (it's just a reserved ID)
attr_set attribute set name
yaml raw spec as loaded from the spec file
def __init__(self, family, yaml, req_value, rsp_value):
super().__init__(family, yaml)
self.value = req_value if req_value == rsp_value else None
self.req_value = req_value
self.rsp_value = rsp_value
self.is_call = 'do' in yaml or 'dump' in yaml
self.is_async = 'notify' in yaml or 'event' in yaml
self.is_resv = not self.is_async and not self.is_call
# Added by resolve:
self.attr_set = None
delattr(self, "attr_set")
def resolve(self):
if 'attribute-set' in self.yaml:
attr_set_name = self.yaml['attribute-set']
elif 'notify' in self.yaml:
msg =[self.yaml['notify']]
attr_set_name = msg['attribute-set']
elif self.is_resv:
attr_set_name = ''
raise Exception(f"Can't resolve attribute set for op '{}'")
if attr_set_name:
self.attr_set =[attr_set_name]
class SpecFamily(SpecElement):
""" Netlink Family Spec class.
Netlink family information loaded from a spec (e.g. in YAML).
Takes care of unfolding implicit information which can be skipped
in the spec itself for brevity.
The class can be used like a dictionary to access the raw spec
elements but that's usually a bad idea.
proto protocol type (e.g. genetlink)
license spec license (loaded from an SPDX tag on the spec)
attr_sets dict of attribute sets
msgs dict of all messages (index by name)
msgs_by_value dict of all messages (indexed by name)
ops dict of all valid requests / responses
consts dict of all constants/enums
def __init__(self, spec_path, schema_path=None):
with open(spec_path, "r") as stream:
prefix = '# SPDX-License-Identifier: '
first = stream.readline().strip()
if not first.startswith(prefix):
raise Exception('SPDX license tag required in the spec')
self.license = first[len(prefix):]
spec = yaml.safe_load(stream)
self._resolution_list = []
super().__init__(self, spec)
self.proto = self.yaml.get('protocol', 'genetlink')
if schema_path is None:
schema_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(spec_path)) + f'/{self.proto}.yaml'
if schema_path:
global jsonschema
with open(schema_path, "r") as stream:
schema = yaml.safe_load(stream)
if jsonschema is None:
jsonschema = importlib.import_module("jsonschema")
jsonschema.validate(self.yaml, schema)
self.attr_sets = collections.OrderedDict()
self.msgs = collections.OrderedDict()
self.req_by_value = collections.OrderedDict()
self.rsp_by_value = collections.OrderedDict()
self.ops = collections.OrderedDict()
self.consts = collections.OrderedDict()
last_exception = None
while len(self._resolution_list) > 0:
resolved = []
unresolved = self._resolution_list
self._resolution_list = []
for elem in unresolved:
except (KeyError, AttributeError) as e:
last_exception = e
if len(resolved) == 0:
raise last_exception
def new_enum(self, elem):
return SpecEnumSet(self, elem)
def new_attr_set(self, elem):
return SpecAttrSet(self, elem)
def new_operation(self, elem, req_val, rsp_val):
return SpecOperation(self, elem, req_val, rsp_val)
def add_unresolved(self, elem):
def _dictify_ops_unified(self):
val = 1
for elem in self.yaml['operations']['list']:
if 'value' in elem:
val = elem['value']
op = self.new_operation(elem, val, val)
val += 1
self.msgs[] = op
def _dictify_ops_directional(self):
req_val = rsp_val = 1
for elem in self.yaml['operations']['list']:
if 'notify' in elem:
if 'value' in elem:
rsp_val = elem['value']
req_val_next = req_val
rsp_val_next = rsp_val + 1
req_val = None
elif 'do' in elem or 'dump' in elem:
mode = elem['do'] if 'do' in elem else elem['dump']
v = mode.get('request', {}).get('value', None)
if v:
req_val = v
v = mode.get('reply', {}).get('value', None)
if v:
rsp_val = v
rsp_inc = 1 if 'reply' in mode else 0
req_val_next = req_val + 1
rsp_val_next = rsp_val + rsp_inc
raise Exception("Can't parse directional ops")
op = self.new_operation(elem, req_val, rsp_val)
req_val = req_val_next
rsp_val = rsp_val_next
self.msgs[] = op
def resolve(self):
definitions = self.yaml.get('definitions', [])
for elem in definitions:
if elem['type'] == 'enum' or elem['type'] == 'flags':
self.consts[elem['name']] = self.new_enum(elem)
self.consts[elem['name']] = elem
for elem in self.yaml['attribute-sets']:
attr_set = self.new_attr_set(elem)
self.attr_sets[elem['name']] = attr_set
msg_id_model = self.yaml['operations'].get('enum-model', 'unified')
if msg_id_model == 'unified':
elif msg_id_model == 'directional':
for op in self.msgs.values():
if op.req_value is not None:
self.req_by_value[op.req_value] = op
if op.rsp_value is not None:
self.rsp_by_value[op.rsp_value] = op
if not op.is_async and 'attribute-set' in op:
self.ops[] = op