2023-05-25 15:27:59 +02:00
/* See LICENSE file for copyright and license details. */
* appearance
* font: see http://freedesktop.org/software/fontconfig/fontconfig-user.html
2023-10-24 12:44:14 +02:00
static char *font = "Iosevka Nerd Font:pixelsize=20:antialias=true:autohint=true";
/* Spare fonts */
2023-05-25 15:27:59 +02:00
static char *font2[] = {
2023-10-24 12:44:14 +02:00
/* "Inconsolata for Powerline:pixelsize=12:antialias=true:autohint=true", */
/* "Hack Nerd Font Mono:pixelsize=11:antialias=true:autohint=true", */
2023-12-11 19:15:23 +01:00
2023-10-24 12:44:14 +02:00
static int borderpx = 2;
2023-05-25 15:27:59 +02:00
* What program is execed by st depends of these precedence rules:
* 1: program passed with -e
* 2: scroll and/or utmp
* 3: SHELL environment variable
* 4: value of shell in /etc/passwd
* 5: value of shell in config.h
static char *shell = "/bin/sh";
char *utmp = NULL;
/* scroll program: to enable use a string like "scroll" */
char *scroll = NULL;
char *stty_args = "stty raw pass8 nl -echo -iexten -cstopb 38400";
/* identification sequence returned in DA and DECID */
char *vtiden = "\033[?6c";
/* Kerning / character bounding-box multipliers */
static float cwscale = 1.0;
2023-10-24 12:44:14 +02:00
static float chscale = 1.0;
2023-05-25 15:27:59 +02:00
* word delimiter string
* More advanced example: L" `'\"()[]{}"
wchar_t *worddelimiters = L" ";
/* selection timeouts (in milliseconds) */
static unsigned int doubleclicktimeout = 300;
static unsigned int tripleclicktimeout = 600;
/* alt screens */
int allowaltscreen = 1;
/* allow certain non-interactive (insecure) window operations such as:
setting the clipboard text */
int allowwindowops = 0;
* draw latency range in ms - from new content/keypress/etc until drawing.
* within this range, st draws when content stops arriving (idle). mostly it's
* near minlatency, but it waits longer for slow updates to avoid partial draw.
* low minlatency will tear/flicker more, as it can "detect" idle too early.
static double minlatency = 8;
static double maxlatency = 33;
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2023-05-25 15:27:59 +02:00
* blinking timeout (set to 0 to disable blinking) for the terminal blinking
* attribute.
static unsigned int blinktimeout = 800;
* thickness of underline and bar cursors
static unsigned int cursorthickness = 2;
* bell volume. It must be a value between -100 and 100. Use 0 for disabling
* it
static int bellvolume = 0;
/* default TERM value */
2023-10-24 12:44:14 +02:00
char *termname = "xterm";
2023-05-25 15:27:59 +02:00
* spaces per tab
* When you are changing this value, don't forget to adapt the »it« value in
* the st.info and appropriately install the st.info in the environment where
* you use this st version.
* it#$tabspaces,
* Secondly make sure your kernel is not expanding tabs. When running `stty
* -a` »tab0« should appear. You can tell the terminal to not expand tabs by
* running following command:
* stty tabs
2023-10-24 12:44:14 +02:00
unsigned int tabspaces = 8;
2023-05-25 15:27:59 +02:00
/* bg opacity */
2023-10-24 12:44:14 +02:00
float alpha = 0.8;
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/* Terminal colors (16 first used in escape sequence) */
static const char *colorname[] = {
2023-10-24 12:44:14 +02:00
/* 8 normal colors */
"#121111", /* black */
"#c14d53", /* red */
"#8fa176", /* green */
"#dcae61", /* yellow */
"#6e95bd", /* blue */
"#a56db1", /* magenta */
"#6a9f98", /* cyan */
"#b7b7b7", /* white */
/* 8 bright colors */
2023-05-25 15:27:59 +02:00
"#242424", /* black */
2023-10-24 12:44:14 +02:00
"#da4b52", /* red */
"#8fa176", /* green */
"#fcc467", /* yellow */
"#6fadea", /* blue */
"#d466e9", /* magenta */
"#63c4b5", /* cyan */
"#d4d5d5", /* white */
[255] = 0,
/* more colors can be added after 255 to use with DefaultXX */
"#add8e6", /* 256 -> cursor */
"#555555", /* 257 -> rev cursor*/
"#000000", /* 258 -> bg */
"#e5e5e5", /* 259 -> fg */
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2023-10-24 12:44:14 +02:00
* Default colors (colorname index)
* foreground, background, cursor, reverse cursor
unsigned int defaultbg = 258;
unsigned int defaultfg = 259;
unsigned int defaultcs = 256;
unsigned int defaultrcs = 257;
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* https://invisible-island.net/xterm/ctlseqs/ctlseqs.html#h4-Functions-using-CSI-_-ordered-by-the-final-character-lparen-s-rparen:CSI-Ps-SP-q.1D81
* Default style of cursor
* 0: Blinking block
* 1: Blinking block (default)
* 2: Steady block ("â–ˆ")
* 3: Blinking underline
* 4: Steady underline ("_")
* 5: Blinking bar
* 6: Steady bar ("|")
* 7: Blinking st cursor
* 8: Steady st cursor
static unsigned int cursorstyle = 1;
static Rune stcursor = 0x2603; /* snowman (U+2603) */
2023-05-25 15:27:59 +02:00
* Default columns and rows numbers
static unsigned int cols = 80;
static unsigned int rows = 24;
* Default colour and shape of the mouse cursor
static unsigned int mouseshape = XC_xterm;
static unsigned int mousefg = 7;
static unsigned int mousebg = 0;
* Color used to display font attributes when fontconfig selected a font which
* doesn't match the ones requested.
static unsigned int defaultattr = 11;
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* Force mouse select/shortcuts while mask is active (when MODE_MOUSE is set).
* Note that if you want to use ShiftMask with selmasks, set this to an other
* modifier, set to 0 to not use it.
static uint forcemousemod = ShiftMask;
* Internal mouse shortcuts.
* Beware that overloading Button1 will disable the selection.
static MouseShortcut mshortcuts[] = {
2023-10-24 12:44:14 +02:00
/* mask button function argument release screen */
{ XK_ANY_MOD, Button2, selpaste, {.i = 0}, 1 },
{ ShiftMask, Button4, kscrollup, {.i = 1}, 0, S_PRI},
{ ShiftMask, Button5, kscrolldown, {.i = 1}, 0, S_PRI},
{ XK_ANY_MOD, Button4, ttysend, {.s = "\031"} },
{ XK_ANY_MOD, Button5, ttysend, {.s = "\005"} },
2023-05-25 15:27:59 +02:00
/* Internal keyboard shortcuts. */
#define MODKEY Mod1Mask
2023-10-24 12:44:14 +02:00
#define TERMMOD (ControlMask|ShiftMask)
static char *openurlcmd[] = { "/bin/sh", "-c",
"xurls | dmenu -l 10 -w $WINDOWID | xargs -r open",
"externalpipe", NULL };
static char *setbgcolorcmd[] = { "/bin/sh", "-c",
"printf '\033]11;#008000\007'",
"externalpipein", NULL };
2023-05-25 15:27:59 +02:00
static Shortcut shortcuts[] = {
2023-10-24 12:44:14 +02:00
/* mask keysym function argument screen */
{ XK_ANY_MOD, XK_Break, sendbreak, {.i = 0} },
{ ControlMask, XK_Print, toggleprinter, {.i = 0} },
{ ShiftMask, XK_Print, printscreen, {.i = 0} },
{ XK_ANY_MOD, XK_Print, printsel, {.i = 0} },
{ TERMMOD, XK_Prior, zoom, {.f = +1} },
{ TERMMOD, XK_Next, zoom, {.f = -1} },
{ TERMMOD, XK_Home, zoomreset, {.f = 0} },
{ TERMMOD, XK_C, clipcopy, {.i = 0} },
{ TERMMOD, XK_V, clippaste, {.i = 0} },
{ TERMMOD, XK_O, changealpha, {.f = +0.05} },
{ TERMMOD, XK_P, changealpha, {.f = -0.05} },
{ ShiftMask, XK_Page_Up, kscrollup, {.i = -1}, S_PRI },
{ ShiftMask, XK_Page_Down, kscrolldown, {.i = -1}, S_PRI },
{ TERMMOD, XK_Y, selpaste, {.i = 0} },
{ ShiftMask, XK_Insert, selpaste, {.i = 0} },
{ TERMMOD, XK_Num_Lock, numlock, {.i = 0} },
2023-05-25 15:27:59 +02:00
* Special keys (change & recompile st.info accordingly)
* Mask value:
* * Use XK_ANY_MOD to match the key no matter modifiers state
* * Use XK_NO_MOD to match the key alone (no modifiers)
* appkey value:
* * 0: no value
* * > 0: keypad application mode enabled
* * = 2: term.numlock = 1
* * < 0: keypad application mode disabled
* appcursor value:
* * 0: no value
* * > 0: cursor application mode enabled
* * < 0: cursor application mode disabled
* Be careful with the order of the definitions because st searches in
* this table sequentially, so any XK_ANY_MOD must be in the last
* position for a key.
* State bits to ignore when matching key or button events. By default,
* numlock (Mod2Mask) and keyboard layout (XK_SWITCH_MOD) are ignored.
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static uint ignoremod = Mod2Mask|XK_SWITCH_MOD;
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* Selection types' masks.
* Use the same masks as usual.
* Button1Mask is always unset, to make masks match between ButtonPress.
* ButtonRelease and MotionNotify.
* If no match is found, regular selection is used.
static uint selmasks[] = {
2023-10-24 12:44:14 +02:00
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* Printable characters in ASCII, used to estimate the advance width
* of single wide characters.
2023-10-24 12:44:14 +02:00
static char ascii_printable[] =
" !\"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?"